March 8th 1-4pm 7 South Brink Wisbech PE13 1JQ

Join us for a fun afternoon with Minecraft and Raspberry Pi! No idea what it is? Come and find out!


a mix of games, creative problem solving, electronics and art, all at once

Our founder started out in IT using computers that took up whole rooms! Now that power is in a computer that you can hold in the palm of your hand. It uses the same operating system as the room size ones so we can help you learn more about this one.  You get to see the board, memory, plugs and leads too so great for the inquisitive and curious amongst you!

Find out more at the official website here

We’ll have our Virtual Arts Trail in Minecraft Wisbech on display, so you can run around in that map and see the beautiful art of people who contributed in 2020 to the trail.

if you’ve got a Pi, get in touch to share what you use it for; if you’d like one but don’t know where to start, come along and find out.

more details to come, but sign up now!

email pi @