Around the country, indeed around the world, there are surveys, research projects and other community groups finding ways to improve their home towns and work together for the good of everyone.
We’ve been inspired by them and will keep adding links here so you can see why we’re doing what we’re doing and ideas of what more we can work on, join in, let us know if you have links you’d like to share!
The Doughnut offers a vision of what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century – and Doughnut Economics explores the mindset and ways of thinking needed to get us there.
Kate’s 2017 book, Doughnut Economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist, further explored the economic thinking needed to bring humanity into the Doughnut, drawing together insights from diverse economic perspectives in a way that everyone can understand. The book soon became an international bestseller and has now been translated into over 20 languages.
First published in 2012 in an Oxfam report by Kate Raworth, the concept rapidly gained traction internationally, from the UN General Assembly to the Occupy movement.

Here’s a summary of the book’s core messages in a 2018 TED talk.